Sunday, 4 November 2018

Snow has finally arrived

Snow in various forms has arrived in the last few days which means we will be able to get some skiing happening this week.

Make sure to have your rock skis ready for tomorrow Monday. The man made snow will start to be move tomorrow around the stadium and on the trails around Mt-Mac.

There is also a thin base of natural snow on Copper and Selwyn which should allow for some skiing in the next few days. Remember that this is early season skiing conditions and we should all pay attention while skiing as there are lots of rocks, sticks and dirt that can stop you so paying special attention is crucial at this time of the year.

Make sure to have your warm clothes with you as the temperatures and wind combination combined with less daylight will make for cool skiing conditions this week.

Monday at 4 pm: skiing in skating including some speed work.

Tracey will start with individual meetings for sport psychology between 4 and 6 pm. Her eis the tentative schedule. Let me know if  you are not available.

4:00 Derek
4:20 Sonjaa
4:40 Dahlia
5:00 Jamie
5:20 Sasha
5:40 Romeo

Tuesday at 4 pm: skiing including specific strength on skis and skiing without poles to work on weight shift.

Thursday at 4:00 pm: skiing including some intensity hopefully on the man made snow loop. Fingers crossed.

Saturday at 11:00 am: Celebration of snow!!! Full details coming in the next few days.

This week, we have the athlete coordinator from Cross Country Canada coming to town to do some clinics with coaches and athletes.

****On Monday Nov. 12, we will have technical clinics for Blue Squad skiers.  I will send the schedule in the next day or so.

The most popular sledding hill this weekend