Monday, 6 June 2011

Blue Squad Athlete Contract

It is Cross Country Yukon’s philosophy to help athletes reach their maximum potential.

Blue Squad is a high performance program that strives to provide athletes the opportunity to compete at regional, national and international levels of competition. One of our goals is to help develop athletes in preparation for National Ski Team experiences.
We offer high performance training methods and provide the highest level of support at competitions. We will strive to make the blue squad experience positive, memorable and rewarding. We will do our best to develop and train in the following areas:

  • Technical and tactical skills necessary to be successful
  • Increase athletes knowledge and understanding of skiing
  • Improve and intensify athlete’s physical training.
  • Develop the mental training aspect of sport

In order to achieve success, our athletes must have the following characteristics:

  • Committed:  Athletes must be committed to attending practices, races, testing sessions and camps.   Outside of practice, athletes must show a commitment to (but not limited to) extra training as well as completing training logs.
  • Hard – Working: The athletes must work hard at each and every practice.   You will be challenged physically as well as mentally, and expected to maintain a high degree of physical fitness.
  • Positive Attitude: cross country skiing and racing is physically and mentally challenging.  Athletes need to have a positive attitude towards hard work.
  • Role Models for Teammates :  You are a role model to other athletes in the blue as well as younger squads.  Athletes need to exemplify to teammates the commitment needed to be part of blue squad as well challenge one another to reach goals and potential.  

Athlete Contract:
In signing up for blue squad I, _______________________________________, realize that the focus is high performance racing.   I understand the level of commitment and hard work needed to be a member of the blue squad.  I am willing bring a positive attitude to practices, work hard at improving my ski/racing skills, and challenge myself physically and mentally.  I will support and challenge teammates to reach goals and be a positive role model for younger skiers.
I understand that if coaches feel that I am not showing enough commitment to the above goals and it is detriment to others or the program, the High Performance Committee will ask that I leave the Blue Squad until I can prove that I have the characteristics needed for a high performance program.

Athlete Signature: Parent Signature:
Date: Date: