Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Training guidelines and start of the dry land training season on May 8

Hello everyone, I hope you have been able to get out for a few sessions of skiing since our last practice.

I wanted to provide you with some information for the start of the new training season as well as a few guidelines for preparing for the start of regular training on May 8.

For training in May and June, the team practices will consist of the following weekly sessions;

Tuesday will consist of roller skiing while Thursday will include some running and some circuit training in the Race Office.

As for camps this spring and summer, we will have the following camps offered;

  • May 26-27  dryland camp in the Carcross area
  • June 25-29 dryland camp in the Atlin area
  • July 20-22 roller ski camp on the Haines Road
  • Aug 25-26 roller ski camp on the Haines Road
We will have our first strength testing session and fitness testing on Heckhell Hill at the end of May prior to the first camp.

Training guidelines prior to the start of team training;

April is a transition period where you should slowly start to get ready for the dryland training season that will start in May. You should start running slowly for short periods each week (3 times 20-40 min) as we will be running in May for team training. You should also slowly get back into strength training.  Just going over the various exercises to get your joints ready for strength training in May (push ups, sit ups, dips, pull ups, core exercises etc.).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be away from April 24-May 5 to visit family and friends but will check my e-mails regularly.

We will see you all on Tuesday May 8 at 4:00. We will be starting with a team (skiers and parents) meeting in the Race Office that day and go for a run afterward.

Please let me know if you will be using NNN aki boots for roller skiing as most of the Ski Team roller skis are mounted with SNS bindings at the moment.

Cheers. Alain