Sunday, 8 January 2012

Jan 9th-15th

Monday Jan 9th:  classic ski (forecast is for some snow and -19).  If that doesn't happen we will skate.

Tuesday Jan 10th: skate ski with strength.  FYI....Dahria, Fabian, Holly, John, Alain and Amanda will be away until next Sunday at World Jr. Trials.

Thursday Jan 12: skate ski with intensity

Sat. Jan 14th:  Classic time trial  (details later in the week)

** A few things to keep on your radar for upcoming events**

-group heading to Westerns will be gone Thurs. Jan 19-Sunday Jan 22

-Biathlon has confirmed that they will be hosting a race on Jan 28th.

-Interested in Besh Cup Trip? Trip dates would be Feb 2-6th Great experience as it will be Arctic Winter Games Trials for Alaskans so they often have 300 people in some of the races.

Here is a Besh Cup update:
-basing prices on 12 athletes going...the more the merrier as it will bring the trip costs down.
-minimum 3 coaches will go including 1 female.
-decided to take bus for safety as not enough parents had vehicles that they felt comfortable driving on winter roads.
-pricing (see below) does not including any potential Lotteries application funding or fundraising.  (looks like we could get approx: $135 per athlete from Lotteries).

-It will be a combo green/blue squad trip.  Need 12 athletes to confirm they are in by Tuesday Jan 10th.   More athletes can jump in afterwards, but 12 is the minimum.

Wedgwood Manner: 3-6 person condos with kitchen
124.30 x 3= 372.60
372.60 x 4= 1490.40
Standard Bus Lines:
leave Thursday Feb 2  at 8:00 am
daily transfers to race site
leave Fairbanks 6:00 am Monday Feb 6th.

Pre pay 48 hours in advance

Hotel for bus driver
73.50 x 4 (hotel)= 294.00

Race Entry:
Wed Feb 1 deadline

 Food: athletes bring from home
