Hello everyone, just a heads up to mark your calendar.
A couple of things have just been confirmed and I hope you can add to your calendar the following activities.
Justin Wadsworth ( Nat. team coach) is coming for the weekend of May 1-3 and we'd love to get the Red and Blue Squad involved in some technical work.
Friday Night May 1: location TBD at 5:30-7:30 we are going to have a dinner with green, blue and red squad athletes along with their coaches. Justin will give a bit of a talk, Becky Scott is also coming and she has also agreed to do a presentation as well and we will finish the evening with a Q and A session. More details coming later this week.
Saturday May 2:
Draft schedule:
9:00 Justin to meet with Alain and Amanda in Race office
10:00 Blue and Red Squad Athletes attend Tech Video in Race Office
10:45 leave to Fish lake for on snow technique or roller ski technique in CGC
11:00-1:00 Justin to work on tech with blue/red athletes.
1:00 leave fish lake to come back to town
1:00 to 3:00 Justin work with Green Squad skiers
4:00 Blue Squad to leave for Carcross for the camp
Saturday May 3:
9:00 Ski at the White Pass or on Montana Mountain (snow depending) or hike?
Back in town in early afternoon.
Complete information will follow this weekend.