Saturday, 3 December 2016

Classic Time Trial Sunday at 12:30

Hello everyone, good work today on the first official race of the season :-) It was great to see everyone pushing hard in these challenging conditions.

We are still planning on having a time trial in classic tomorrow. The motivation for having a time trial in classic tomorrow is to have a classic race that could be used for selection in the eventuality that the Don Sumanik classic race could not take place prior to Dec. 19, 2016. You should prepare for the time trial as if it was a selection race!

We will have the time trial tomorrow only if the following conditions are met:

It is -20 or warmer at race time (12:30) according to the CCC official race rules

We have a good classic track around the race course

The plan would be to modify the race course to remove the section of the race course most exposed to the north wind (from the ski stadium to the wax room)

The course would be ~ 3.00 km in length and done twice for everyone for a total of ~ 6.0 km distance. The lap lane would be at the first junction beyond the Mt-Mac parking lot so as not to bring the skiers all the way to the start after the first lap.

The start and the finish would be right in front of the wax room stairs/deck in order to provide a warm place for everyone to stay before and after the race.

The plan would be to meet at 10:30 to wax all the skis together and then do a warm up and start the TT at 12:30.

Please check your e-mail in the morning prior to leaving your house. See you all tomorrow. Alain