Sunday, 2 July 2017

Training this Week

I hope everyone has recovered for the camp in Atlin last week.

For team training this week, we will do the following:

Tuesday: roller skiing with video analyses and specific strength

Thursday: running with circuit training

Our next camp will be the roller ski camp on the Haines Road on July 21-22-23.

Sample Training Week (10 Hours)

Monday:  rest day
Tuesday: 2:00 roller skiing with specific strength

Wednesday: 1:00 hour run
Thursday: 2:00 (hour run, circuit training and cool down)
Friday:  1: 30 (:30 min roller ski warm up with speed at end. : 40 min circuit training in race office or elsewhere.   0: 20 min cool down roller ski)
Saturday: 2:00 roller skiing with speed
Sunday: 1:30 hours running including core strength