Sunday, 10 September 2017

This week's training

Congratulation to everyone who took part in the Klondike Road Relay this weekend, it was great to see you all out there :-)

For training this week, we will be doing the following workouts:

Tuesday at 4.00: Running and plyometrics on Telemark Hill

Thursday at 4:00: Running and ski bounding intensity training

Saturday: We will meet at 10:30 am instead of 11:00 in order to drive to Marsh Lake to roller ski and do some intensity on roller skis. We will car pool to reduce the number of cars needed to get there. We will be back at Mt-Mac at 1:30 pm.

On Tuesday September 19th, we will do a duathlon race for training including roller skiing and running.

We will be doing the last Heckle Hill running test on Thursday September 21.

Here is a sample training week to help you plan your week:

Sample Training Week 10 hours 

Monday:  1:00 roller skiing with core strength
Tuesday:  2:00 (running-plyo-running)
Wednesday: 1:00 zone 1 running including 20 min of core strength 
Thursday: 2:00 (hour run, running test and cool down)
Friday:  rest day
Saturday: 2:00 hr roller ski session including intensity
Sunday: 2:00 hr running-circuit-running