Sunday, 11 March 2018

Blue Squad this week and the first update from the Ski Nationals

I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather in Whitehorse :-)

This week, the focus for training will be on skate skiing to enjoy the faster ski conditions :-)

Training this week:

Monday at 4 pm: ski in skating and do some sprints as a group practising exchanges in the ski stadium.

Tuesday at 4 pm: ski in skating and do some continuous double polling work for 30 min.

Thursday at 4 pm: ski in skating, pack ski equipment at 5 pm for AWG skiers. AWG pep rally starts at 6 pm at the Art Centre (wear the hoodie and a black pant).

Friday at 1 pm: AWG's skiers and coaches to meet at the airport for AWG departure.

Update from the Ski Nationals in Thunder Bay

We have had 2 days of racing so far at the Ski Nationals. The temperatures have been unusually cold so far for March. The ski conditions have been fairly straightforward with cold and dry snow thus far.

The results have been good so far which is a great sign for the rest of the championships. We will resume racing on Tuesday with the pursuit start skate races (new format at the Ski Nationals).

Here is a summary of results from the first 2 days:

Day one, team sprint:

Amanda Deuling/Knute Johnsgaard 3rd in the mixed gender division category (new this year)
Amanda Thomson/Hannah Jirousek 4th in the challenge girls division
Derek Deuling/Sasha Masson 14th
Victor-Emile Thibeault/Ben Puskas 23rd
Dahlia Lapointe?Sonjaa Schmidt DNS

Day two, interval start classic:

Juvenile Girls

Sonjaa Schmidt 7th
Dahlia Lapointe 23rd

Juvenile Boys

Derek Deuling 2nd 
Victor-Emile Thibeault 14th
Sasha Masson 16th 
Ben Puskas 25th

Junior Girls

Amanda Thomson 16th
Hannah Jirousek 28th

Junior Women

Hannah Deuling 7th

Open Men

Knute Johnsgaard 3rd