You should have received the link to your personal folders that include training plans, training logs and training recommendations. If you didn't receive an email, chat with Amanda.
The board has set blue squad fees for the 2013-2014 season.
In town blue and red squad: $975.00 (if you have already submitted a cheque with last years fee structure, your athlete account will be charged the extra $55.00)
Out of town blue and red squad: $575
Please have the following 6 postdated cheques made out to Cross Country Yukon and submitted to Sport Yukon, Alain or Amanda by May 30th.
1) $487.50 cheque dated May 30
2) $487.50 cheque dated August 30
Whitehorse based athletes also need to either have $2000.00** of potential funds in your athlete account from High Performance or write 4 posted cheques:
Whitehorse based athletes also need to either have $2000.00** of potential funds in your athlete account from High Performance or write 4 posted cheques:
(1) $500 postdated Nov 30 (equipment, clothing,
roller skis, summer camps etc..)
(2) $500 postdated Jan 30 (Trips, etc..)
(3) $500 postdated March 30 (Trips)
(4) $500 postdated April 30 (Final Athlete
Please contact Paula Stoker at if you have funds in your athlete account that you want applied to this season.