Friday, 27 May 2016

Information and Updates

Hello everyone, I thought I would provide a few updates as we are nearing our first month of Team training for the new season.

  • Our next training camp will take place in Atlin from June 29-July 3. It will include 2 roller ski workouts, a couple of long day hikes as well as some medium day hikes and some strength training. I am exploring the idea of doing some hiking across the lake which would involve some boating to get across. Stay tuned for an update as I am working on this. If you know you will be away for the camp, could you confirm it to me by e-mail ( Thanks.

  • I have uploaded a video on dropbox showing Sam demonstrating how to warm up prior to doing strength.

  • Next week we will be starting with some field testing opportunities. On Tuesday, we will be doing a running test on Heakell Hill while on Thursday, we will be doing some strength testing. Both tests will be used to evaluate your rate of improvement during the dryland training period. The initial tests will establish an individual base line which we can use for this year.

  • For the running test, we will meet at 4 pm at the junction of the Fish Lake Road and the Mine Haul Road (Near the Gazebo). It would be great to organize car pooling to make it easier for everyone to get there and back. We will start the warm up at 4 pm and the test should be done by 5:45 pm. All you need is your running clothes and a water bottle. The test is 2.85 km long and start at the bottom of the Heakell Hill and goes less than halfway up the hill. The test usually takes around 15-20 min to complete and consist of a maximum effort on a long uphill. It is a good indicator of your aerobic capacity and will be used to evaluate your training progress during the dryland training period. The strength test will take place in the Race Office and consist of 5 standard exercises (pull up, sit up, push up, box jump and dips). The test takes about 10 min. I will share a sign up sheet in the next few days as it will take the entire session to test everyone.

  • Finally, could everyone go through their ski equipment and see what they may need for next year (skis, boots, poles etc.). I would like to create a spreadsheet with everyone's need so that we can see if there are opportunities to share equipment within the team before we go on with a new equipment order. 
Have a great weekend. Alain