Saturday, 25 November 2017

Time Trial Results

Great work everyone in the time trial today! I am glad we were able to have it despite the cold weather this past week.

Here are the results, please let me know if you see any errors.

Nov 25-2017 start finish time
Amanda 1:15 16.25 15.10
Victor 1:30 16.00 14.30
Brian 1:45 16.01 14.16
Jude 2:00 20.10 18.10
Sonjaa 2:30 17.48 15.18
Nichollis 2:45 17.02 14.17
Abby 3:00 22.03 19.03
Robin 3:15 22.13 18.58
Jamie 3:30 18.30 15.00
Noah 3:45 21.36 17.51
Maude 4:00 22.20 18.20
Sasha 4:15 18.23 14.08
Kate 4:30 21.55 17.25
Hannah  4:45 20.33 15.48
Emily 5:15 26.09 20.54
Dahlia 5:30 22.15 16.45
Constance 5:45 25.25 19.40
Romeo 6:00 20.56 14.56
Curtis 10:00 25.44 15.44
Aleix 12:00 30.25 18.25