- for the Coast Mountain Sports evening for the Blue Squad on Friday, please see the following information;
Be there by 5:30
30 % off equipment ordered
15 % off in stock equipment
10 % off in store purchases except electronics
CMS has the list of Blue Squad skiers at the store.
- for the weekend camp, you will need the following:
sleeping bag and pillow. casual clothes, running clothes, toilet kit, snacks, water bottle, rock skis, poles and boots, day pack.
We will leave Mt-Mac at 12:00 Saturday and should be back in early afternoon on Sunday.
Depending on snow, we will either ski or hike and run. Think snow!
We are supplying dinner and breakfast.
- equipment for sale;
For Sale:Madshus skating skis – 180 cm - $200.00Saloman skate boots – size 43 1/3 - $140.00Lorna Hutchinson – 633-2956