Monday, 13 January 2014

Training this week

Hello everyone, it looks like the weather will cooperate and it should be a mild week for team training after today.

Team Training this week;

Tuesday: 4-5 outside race course set-up for the THR followed by intensity workout using the THR (see info below) as a relay in skating. Remember to warm up well and use the relay as a good opportunity for an intensity workout.

Thursday: speed drill in the ski stadium in skating at 4:45 with talk from Nathalie about diabetic awareness prior to practice.

Saturday: Long slow workout in skating.

THR Info:

Weather looks like its going to be amazing. 
Invite your friends!

THR(Tim Horton Races)

Second of the 4 part series.....

When: Tuesday Jan 14th  
5:00-5:55 registration in waxroom
6:00 race start
6:30 Tim Horton's Chilli/Veggie soup available (plus more!)

Where: waxroom and a ski loop close to the waxroom

What:  low key, FUN challenge.  You pick the number of laps you want to do, you pick the speed, no times, no winners.  CHALLENGE YOURSELF.    Relay optional for this one.  Skate or Classic

Who: everyone from age 2-92!
Bring all friends and family
Adult drinks by donation

How:  Pay $5 (or pay $20 at one time for all 4 races)
Each race is themed.   This race theme…..bling or glam…bring out your finest!!
Costumes optional.

Cut off is -25.    Will be a glam ski (not a race) if temps are between -20 and -25.
Jan 21st is the back up date