Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sprints on Saturday and Team Training Next Week (Jan. 6-13)

Hello everyone, it was great to move a bit quicker today on skate skis .

The plan for Saturday is to practice doing sprint heats in skating around the sprint course. In order to simulate sprint heats, we will try to get everyone to do 3 heats.  we will plan for about 15 to 20 min of rest between each heat, just like a regular sprint would have once you move to the heats after the qualification. Could you let me know if you won't be able to attend practice Saturday as I will arrange the heats prior to the workout.

Note that next week, I will be away to Canmore for the Olympic Trials and the World Junior/Under 23. Amanda will be coordinating the workouts. Please let the Amanda know if you won't be able to attend practice. Also, make sure you sign the sign-in sheet under the white board. Alain

Training Schedule for the week of Jan. 6-13;

Monday Jan. 6: ski in skating and do specific strength (3 X 10 min.) Plan B would be to ski in classic if too cold and slow. Some of the Green Squad skiers will be joining the Blue Squad on Monday for practice starting Monday.

Tuesday Jan. 7: ski in skating or classic, weather dependent, and do some speed work (2 sets of 5 sprints).

Thursday Jan. 9: ski in skating or classic, weather dependent, and do some zone 3 intensity (four times 3 min. in zone 3 with W-R 1-1)

Saturday Jan. 11: do a time trial in skating or classic, weather dependent.

Monday Jan. 13: Sport Psy. with Tracey and specific strength. Schedule for sport psy.: 4:00 to 6:00 at every 20 min: Marcus, Caelan, Hudson, Simon, Mac, Michael.