Sunday, 20 September 2015

Training information for the week as well as lot's of other info

Hello everyone, I hope you have all enjoyed this beautiful weekend.

For training this weekend, we will be doing the following;

Tuesday at 4:00: running from 4:00-4:45. Plyo on Telemark Hill for 45 min, then warm down running in zone 1 until 6:00 pm.

** The Coast Mountain Sports night has been moved to Sept. 29th from 6:30-8:30 pm. See info at the bottom of the e-mail.

Thursday at 4:00: meet on the Mine Haul Road. We will be doing our last Heakell Hill running test of the season :)

Saturday at 11:00: we will be doing a short roller ski as we will be taking part in a WCCSC work party at 12:30 pm. Please read the details below.

** Saturday Sept 26th  
12:00 Family BBQ and assignment of jobs
12:30 Ski Club work party.   It takes a community to maintain over 70 km of trails/ facilities for a non-profit club (and with Nationals here in March we want to show Canada a great looking venue!) 

We hope athletes and parents will volunteer some time on Saturday to help with :  organizing sheds, snow fencing, wood cutting, moving brush, kids adventure trail, cutting willows, etc.... lots of different jobs for every one!

*bring work gloves
*work clothes
* hatchets, axes, saws, good hand pruners, machetes.....
* 4 wheel drive vehicle if you have one (for getting further out on trails)
*chain saws 

** Finally, tell your friends and keep your receipts from Wykes Independent Grocer! 

A message from Christine Cleghorn
 "Hey Skiers! After only one week of collecting receipts we’ve hit our first $5000, and earned our first $20 gift card from Independent Grocers. You will see an envelope on the squad sign -in board - this is where to stash your receipts. Keep’em coming!"

Ski Season is fast approaching!
Coast Mountain Sports would once again like to invite
athletes, coaches and their families to our
Special Cross Country Ski Night!

When:  September 29, 2015 (Tuesday)
Time:  6:30pm – 8:30pm
Where:  Coast Mountain Sports, 309 Main Street

Coach and Athlete Special Offers:
Any gear ordered that night for coaches and athletes (Squads, Biathlon, and X country ski team members) will go on a consolidated group order and will be approx. 30% off regular retail.  This applies to skis, boots, bindings and poles based on the availability of Salomon and Fischer. Coast Mountain Sports is happy to offer this discount as we work closely with suppliers to get special buys to facilitate athlete development.

Skis, boots, bindings and poles purchased that night from existing store stock inventory will be 15% off.

Special Offers for the Entire Family!
Both, Coast Mountain Sports and Sports Experts will be 10% off all in stock items, excluding electronics, Canada Goose, Under Armour and Nike products.