Sunday, 6 September 2015

Training this week

Hello everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a great labor day weekend spending time with family and friends.

For team training this week, we will be doing the following workouts;

Tuesday 4:00 pm: meet at the Roller ski container. We will be running and do our first session of plyo on Telemark Hill. Please make sure to bring extra clothes for the warm up and warm down as the temperatures are cooling down in September.

Thursday 4:00 pm: we will be running and do our first session of ski striding intensity. This week, we will focus on proper technique and do interval running in zone 3. Please bring some short running poles if you have them.

Saturday: as many coaches and athletes will be involved with the Road Relay, we will not have an official roller ski session. If you are not involved with the Road Relay, I strongly encourage you to go roller skiing as the roller ski season will come to an end in the first part of October  if our weather is average :(

Finally, I just wanted to pass on to everyone that Hannah Shier has decided to stop training with the Yukon Ski Team. Hannah will be missed by everyone as she has been with the ski program for a long time and was well liked by everyone.

PS. The strength test results have been updated on the blog. Good work everyone!