Hello everyone, I hope you have all enjoyed the great weather this weekend. I know some of you are starting to find the dryland training a bit long and tedious! The good news is, the ground is finally starting to freeze on much of the ski club trail network. The Fraser Loop is now frozen with a skiff of snow all around. With one significant snowfall, we should be able to start skiing up there as well as on Selwyn's Loop so make sure you are ready to go with rock skis and all :)
For training this week, we will be doing the following;
Sport Psychology with Tracey as well as running and circuit training in the Race Office at 5:00
For training this week, we will be doing the following;
Sport Psychology with Tracey as well as running and circuit training in the Race Office at 5:00
3:40 Caelan
4:00 Simon
4:20 Michael
4:40 Liam
5:00 Hudson
5:20 Hannah D
5:40 Mira
Please let me know if you can't make your scheduled meeting with Tracey.
The rest of the team will be done the following Monday.
running and plyometric
running with ski striding intensity
Tim Horton event #1
Please come to the wax room at 10:00 for the Tim Horton Halloween event. Dress in a costume that allow you to be active and warm!
Jan's getting her ski equipment all ready to go!
MIA: a pair of 135 Swix CT3 (black, sliver and green). I may have loaned them out at the start of a race, or perhaps left them, sadly, alone and forgotten. If you picked them up or have seen them give me a shout. Thanks, Jan jandowning1@gmail.com
Take care. Alain