Sunday, 13 May 2018

Blue Squad Training this week

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend.

For team training this week, we will be doing the following workouts:

Tuesday at 4:00 pm: meet at the roller ski container. We will be doing our first roller ski workout of the season. Please make sure to bring your bike helmet, your fluorescent shirt or vest, your gloves, your skate boots and your skate poles with roller ski tips from last year. Please come early if you need to install your roller ski tips and remove your baskets.

Could you take a look at the following list and let me know if we don't have the correct binding system for your roller skis?

Thursday at 4:00 pm: we will go for a run followed with some circuit training in the race office.

Coming events:

- Hiking Camp near Carcross on May 26-27 (I will send the info next week)
- Strength testing on May 24th (and also on May 31 for skiers away on a school trip)
- First Heckle Hill running test on May 29
- Duathlon (roller skiing and running race) on June 5