Thursday, 24 May 2018

First Strength Test Results and camp update

Hello everyone, good work on the first strength test of the season for those who were at practice today. We will have another test next Thursday for those of you who were away today.

I am attaching the scores, please let me know if you see anything that does not look right.

name pull-ups (times 3) sit-ups push-ups box jumps dips score
Kate 6 40 10 46 18 120
Aleix 21 43 16 45 14 139
Curtis 9 44 32 59 32 176
Sasha 39 44 31 67 32 213
Victor 42 43 30 52 31 198
Ben 45 43 37 51 26 202
Derek 39 50 32 68 30 219
Romeo 48 44 24 53 30 199
Jamie 54 53 26 57 30 220
Nichollis 45 42 28 63 28 206
Jake 51 43 36 55 32 217

As far as the camp attendance this weekend, I have the following athletes confirmed, please let me know if that is not accurate.

Caelan, Jake, Nichollis, Jude, Jamie, Derek, Sasha, Victor, Ben, Roméo, Dahlia, Curtis, Aleix, Kate, Bella, Isla, Noah, Isidore.

On that subject, a reminder to everyone to let me know when you will not be able to attend practice or a camp.

Finally, make sure to have warm clothes as the wind can make it feel quite cold at times. Thanks. Alain