Sunday, 27 May 2018

Blue Squad Training this Week

Hello everyone, thank you for a great camp this weekend, it was fun to get the training camp season going.

For Team training this week, we will be doing the following:

Tuesday May 29 at 4:00 pm: Meet at the Yukon Electric Gazebo located at the Junction of the Fish Lake  Rd. and the Mine Haul Rd.

We will start the warmup for the running test at 4:00 and the test will start at 4:40 at the bottom of the Heackle Hill Road.

The test usually takes anywhere from 13 min. to 25 min. and we should be back at the parking lot around 5:45.

If you need a ride to get to the test, try and coordinate with other athletes on the team.

Thursday May 31 at 4:00 pm: running and strength testing for those of you who were away last week. Roller skiing with specific strength for those who did their strength test last week.

Remember to plan your training for the week at the start of the week (Sunday night).

I will be making updates to the test results archives in the next few days. You will be able to find past test results at the top of the YST Blog in various pages.

Coming events:

Roller skiing/running skiathlon on Tuesday June 5th. The course maps will be available at practice this weekend.

The next training camp will take place in Atlin from June 25-29.