Hello everyone, a few note to pass on for
the upcoming week:
- -The skiing is great on Selwyn’s
Loop for skiers who have rock skis. We will start skiing for training this Monday so make sure all your gear is ready to go.
- -On Tuesday at 4:30 pm, we will
have one large group session with Tracey Bilsky regarding goal setting for the
upcoming season. Session to take place in the race office.
- -On Thursday from 5:30-6:30,
there will be a session on nutrition with Kim Neufeld for parents and athletes in the race office.
- -The trip selection criteria has
been finalised and approved by the CCY board, see the document on the CCY Web
site. http://www.crosscountryyukon.com/tripselectioncriteria.html
Ski Season is fast
Mountain Sports invites you once again to our Special X Country Ski Night.
When: October 15, 2011 (the day of the Ski Swap)
Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: Coast Mountain Sports
gear ordered that night will go on a consolidated group order (Squads,
Biathlon, and X country ski team) and will be approx.. 30% off regular
retail. This applies to skis, boots,
bindings and poles based on the availability of Salomon and Fischer.
boots, bindings and poles purchased that night from existing store stock
inventory will be 15% off.
addition to the Sale that is on the entire store will be 10% off on all in
stock items, excluding electronics.
and cookies will be served!