Schedule for the week:
Monday: watch the video then go for a ski
Tuesday: specific strength workout, carry skate and classic poles
Thursday: intensity workout on Upper Valley
Saturday: time trial in classic on Valley trails
* Alain will be away on Tuesday and Thursday for meetings outside of Yukon
Time trail results
Final Results
Selwyn’s loop Time Trial
Nov. 05, 2011
-10 degree – mostly sunny
and calm
hard packed and icy with a
skiff of snow
skating technique
1 loop (~3.3 km)
2 loops (~6.6 km)
Name start
time lap one second lap final time
Ray 0 9:36 ------------- 9:36
John 15 9:01 9:20 18:21
Fabian 25 9:26 9:50 19:16
Reid 45 12:11 12:59 25:10
Marcus 1:00 11:33 ------------- 11:33
Bill 1:15 11:55 12:22 24:17
Caelan 1:30 11:01 ------------- 11:01
Andrew 1:45 15:06 ------------- 15:06
Katie 3:00 11:38 ------------- 11:38
Cambria 3:15 13:25 ------------- 13:25
Nahanni 3:30 12:52 ------------- 12:52
Eliza 3:45 14:02 ------------- 14:02
Pia 4:00 12:47 ------------- 12:47