Saturday, 5 November 2011

Training Schedule for Nov 7-12 and Time Trial Results

Hello everyone, great work during the time trial today. The first time trial of the year is always the hardest one. We will look at the video from the TT on Monday.

Schedule for the week:

Monday: watch the video then go for a ski

Tuesday: specific strength workout, carry skate and classic poles

Thursday: intensity workout on Upper Valley

Saturday: time trial in classic on Valley trails

* Alain will be away on Tuesday and Thursday for meetings outside of Yukon

Time trail results

Final Results

Selwyn’s loop Time Trial
Nov. 05, 2011
-10 degree – mostly sunny and calm
hard packed and icy with a skiff of snow
skating technique
1 loop (~3.3 km)
2 loops (~6.6 km)

Name                start time           lap one              second lap          final time

Ray                   0                      9:36                  -------------           9:36     
John                  15                     9:01                  9:20                  18:21
Fabian               25                     9:26                  9:50                  19:16
Reid                  45                     12:11                12:59                25:10
Marcus              1:00                  11:33                -------------           11:33
Bill                   1:15                  11:55                12:22                24:17
Caelan               1:30                  11:01                -------------           11:01
Andrew              1:45                  15:06                -------------           15:06

Katie                 3:00                  11:38                -------------           11:38
Cambria             3:15                  13:25                -------------           13:25
Nahanni             3:30                  12:52                -------------           12:52
Eliza                 3:45                  14:02                -------------           14:02
Pia                    4:00                  12:47                -------------           12:47