I am including the CPL points from yesterday and from the first DS race in December. The CCY High Performance Committee will meet this week to review the selection criteria and make the team nomination for the Western Canadian Championships that will take place in February. In the meantime, could everyone who have achieve the criteria go the following Google Document to indicate their participation as we need to finalize a lot of the trip details this week.
For training this week, we will try to skate ski as much as possible while the temperatures are warmer than they have been for a while. Here is the training schedule for this week;
Monday: skate ski and do speed work from Best Chance Corner back toward the Ski Chalet.
Tuesday: All Squad event in the ski stadium at 5 pm
Thursday: intensity in skating (weather permitting)
Saturday: long slow ski in classic to work on aerobic base and technique
Western Canadian Championships participation confirmation:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key= 0ApvRHCtkkAA8dHJhSzloc05JMUlJc DZtTlNBTHRDVEE#gid=0
CPL Points for selection to the Western Canadian Championships: