Monday, 30 December 2013

Training and Selection to the Eastern Canadian Championships

Hello everyone, if we can believe the weather forecast, we should be able to skate ski on Thursday and Saturday :) The plan will be to do some zone 3 intervals on Thursday and some sprint heats in skating on Saturday.

Just to let everyone know, an appeal for selection was put forward to the Cross Country Yukon High Performance Committee to consider Mac's arm injury as a force majeur in the selection races for the Eastern CDN that took place last week. Here is the note from Jan Horton on behalf of the CCY HP Committee. Alain

Further to an appeal from Mac Prawdzik, the Cross Country Yukon High Performance Committee has agree to nominate Mac to fill the final spot in the Yukon ski team selected to attend the Eastern Canadian Championships.

We have made this decision because we feel that force majeure applies in Mac's situation due to the injury he had this fall.  We have also taken into consideration Mac's ongoing commitment to the team and to practicing to the extent of his ability during his recovery.  We understand, further, that Mac is now recovered to the extent that he will be able to race with two poles and will be able to do so without risking further damage to his shoulder.


CCY HP Chair