Paved Trail Needs You!
This project could really benefit the squad program. It will help squad ski earlier as we don't need as much snow on a paved trail to safely ski. This trail will also will greatly decrease the risk by getting kids off the roads for rollerskiing.
We are appearing at City Council on Monday Dec 14th @ 5:30 pm to ask for funding for this project in the 2016 City budget. We need to show them that there are lots of people who support the project and will benefit from it - and that includes ALL THE SQUAD ATHLETES AND PARENTS LIKE YOU! It will be a paved loop that uses a portion of the existing ski trails near Mt. Mac to provide a safe place for roller skiing, as well as many other public recreational benefits. We need to show the City Council we are passionate about the project and determined to make it happen! The more people that show up to this Public Meeting, the more convincing we are. It will only be about 15 - 20 minutes of your time! We are first presenter at the meeting, and we have ~ 5 mins. to make our pitch. You just need to be there, on time! Bring your friends! If you have any questions please contact Kathleen at