It was a great start for the Yukon Ski Team today at the AWG. The day started with the Junior Boys and Girls racing into a blizzard with near zero visibility. In the end the Yukon skiers did really well in these adverse conditions. Simon Cash winning the first Gold Ulu for the Team while Michael Kischuck finished 5th. The second race saw the junior girls racing in similar conditions and also doing great with Hannah Deuling finishing first while Natalie Hynes finished second. After these two races were completed, the jury decided to stop the competition and wait for an hour for the wind to slow down. The wind did slow down and the races resumed with much improved racing conditions for the rest of the day.
The highlights for the remaining races were;
Derek Deuling 1st in Midget boy
Hannah Jirousek 2nd in Juv Girl
Sasha Masson 4th in Midget Boy
Regan Fuerstner 6th in Juv Girl
Tomorrow, the skiers will compete in the mass start skate races.