Sunday, 23 October 2016

Training this week

Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed that new snow. The skiing was remarkably good today after last night's snowfall and after they rolled the trails again this afternoon. As usual, the skiing gets better the further away you are from the wax room. From Coyote onwards on Copper the skiing is great including Selwyn's Loop.

For team training this week, we will be doing the following;

Monday at 4:00: skiing in skating including some speed work as a team on Selwyn's Loop.

Tuesday at 4:00: skiing in skating including specific strength on Copper.

Thursday at 4:00: skiing in skating including intensity in zone 3 on Upper Valley.

Saturday at 11:00: distance skiing including video/technique work.

Saturday from 7:00-9:00 pm: Tim Horton Halloween event, more details later this week.

Please make sure to switch to your on snow baskets. I will bring glue and the heat guns to the wax room.

Please have spare dry clothes available as the temperatures are falling and winter is coming :-)