Sunday, 15 October 2017

Training this week and miscellaneous information

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Great to see some white stuff coming down :-)

With the snow that has fallen already and more snow in the forecast for the next few days, we are hoping to be able to ski on rock skis any days now :-) Please make sure you organize your skate rock skis and the rest of your ski equipment so that if we can ski somewhere, you are ready to do so.

The Ski Chalet will open officially tomorrow so we will now meet at the wax room for all practices for the rest of the season.

Make sure you are prepared for Winter from now on, that means, having your hats, gloves or mitts, warm up jackets etc.

Please grab your roller ski equipment from the roller ski container and swap your roller ski tips to baskets.

Please make sure your Ski Club membership and your locker  have been renewed for the season.

Online Ski Club Membership

Training for the week

Tuesday at 4.00 pm: mix of running and skate skiing on Selwyn's Loop if we get a bit more snow. Fingers crossed! We will focus on balance and weight shift trying to get our ski legs back.

Thursday at 4.00 pm: We will run to Selwyn's Loop for skiing (weather permitting). We will be doing some speed work.

Saturday at 11:00 am: We will spend a few minutes reviewing the draft selection criteria and the proposed changes for this year. After that, we will run to Selwyn's Loop to do some skiing including a bit of specific strength.

Upcoming events:

- Halloween on Saturday Oct. 28 from 11:00-1:00. More details next week.

- Ski celebration in conjunction with the WCCSC on Nov. 4, full details available next week

- Technical clinics on Nov. 10-11. Full details available next week.