Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Best day for Yukon Skiers at the World Junior Trials

The last race provided the Yukon skiers with their best results of the week. As it is often the case in classic distance races, Yukon skiers demonstrated their classic skills in challenging track conditions. The weather was just above zero with occasional wet snow and freezing drizzle falling during the day making the waxing very challenging for everyone.

The best results for the Yukon Juniors came from Natalie Hynes in the 7.5 km mass start race. Natalie finished 2nd as a Canadian skiers, 4th overall in the field with the top 2 skiers from the US. Natalie who was battling a cold prior to the race demonstrated great determination and resolve in order to get that performance. That results allowed Natalie to be named to the Canadian Junior Team that will compete at the World Junior in February in early February. Dahria Beatty will also be competing in the U23 Championships in Utah.

Both Caelan Mclean and Marcus Deuling also had great classic results finishing 5th and 6th respectively amongst the Canadian skiers.

Other results from our Yukon skiers amongst the Canadians in the races;

Hannah Deuling 15th
Amanda Thomson 18th
Mira Mason 25th
Hannah Jirousek 30th
Michael Kishchuk 33rd

The best Canadian placing in both the Open Women and Open Men came from Yukon skiers. Emily Nishikawa was the top Canadian in the 20 km race while Knute Johnsgaard was the top Canadian skier in the 30 km race.

                                                   wax techs scrambling to adjust skis before the start :-)