Thursday, 12 January 2017

Tim Horton"s Ski-a-thon this Saturday

We are going to "MAKE IT SNOW" on Saturday!
Remember to get those family, friends and neighbours to pledge for you to do laps on Saturday.

Skate Ski
Wear your favourite snow flake sweater,  snow flake hat, snow flake facepaint or anything else creative, to support the MAKE IT SNOW fundraiser! 

Course is a modified version of the new ski cross in the stadium.

Tim Horton's will be providing lunch, draw prizes and $25.00 gift certificates for the top three pledge collectors! 

Many ways to help:

1) collect pledges for the ski-a-thon organized by Jean Paul Molgat on Saturday Jan 14th 

2) buy coffee from the ski base ( huge thank you Arctic Star Printing for your generous donation of the coffee)

3) donate through Go Fund Me

4) donate and get a tax receipt for anything over $50 either at the ski base or printing off forms HERE

5) Bill Parry has organized an silent auction that will take place in the wax room from Jan 14th-Jan 28th.    Take a look and place a bid!  

Did you know...

Icycle Sports has donated $5000.00, Arctic Star Printing $2500, Northern Vision $2000, Air North $1000 and Yukon Brewery $500 to this initiative.  
Thank you to local businesses for your incredible support. 

And on another exciting note.....congratulations to Yukon Ski Team athletes Dahria Beatty who is selected to represent Canada at the U23 World Champs and Natalie Hynes who was selected to represent Canada at the U19 World Champs.   These races will be happening just outside Salt Lake City in the beginning of February.   
For more information check out this link:  CCC announcement