Sunday, 2 February 2014

Great day of classic skiing for the Yukon skiers in today's races

It was a great day for Yukon skiers in the mass start races held in classic in challenging track conditions. With a 20 cm snowfall overnight and 650 + skiers using the same trails for racing today, it was a challenge for everyone. The steep uphills were quite challenging with ankle deep loose snow as well as the downhills. Some great performances again today. I was glad to have been able to witness our Yukon skiers take on that challenge and get great performances. Now I just hope my flight will not be canceled like it was yesterday :) Take care. Alain

Today's results;

Graham Nishikawa 1st in the Open Men 20 km classic race
Colin Abbott was 5th in the Open Men 20 km classic race

Hannah Deuling was 4th in the Juvenile Girls 7.5 km classic race
Natalie Hynes was 11th in the Juvenile Girls 7.5 km classic race
Mira Mason was 19th in the Juvenile Girls 7.5 km classic race
Alexis Gee was 23rd in the Juvenile Girls 7.5 km classic race
Hannah Shier was 18th in the Juvenile Girls 7.5 km classic race

Simon Cash was 8th in the Juvenile Boys 10 km classic race

Caelan Mclean was 1st in the Junior Boys 15 km classic race
Marrcus Deuling was 13th in the Junior Boys 15 km classic race
Hudson Lucier was 31st in the Junior Boys 15 km classic race
Mac Prawdsik was 33st in the Junior Boys 15 km classic race

Cambria Fuerstner was 38th in the 7.5 km Junior Girls classic race