Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Training tomorrow and work party on Saturday

Hello everyone, I just wanted to confirm our training plans for tomorrow and Saturday. I just went to check the Hamilton Blvd. extension and luckily all the snow has melted off the shoulders. We will be roller skiing tomorrow as planned and do some intensity. Make sure to dress well as the high is suppose to be around 2-3 degree. As for Saturday, we will run for 50 min then change clothes, take part in the BBQ at 12:00 and then help with the work party. Make sure to have dry clothes to changes for each workout from now on. Also, make sure your rock skis are ready to go anytime from now on. Take care. Alain

Note from the ski Club regarding the work party on Saturday;

Hi All

Corinna here from Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club.  On behalf of Jan and the  ski club I have been asked to put out the following request for the work party on Saturday.....

5-7 people who own chainsaws and willing to go out cutting wood for the huts

10 pairs of pliers to use on the wires to attach snow fencing

10 pairs of wire cutters to cut the wires

10 cordless drills

10 shovels and rakes

4 trucks

I have also included a list of tasks that are possible to sign up for on Saturday.  I'm not asking people to sign up right now, I'm just letting you look over them so you can decide what you might want to do.

Thanks so much